Facts & Data

This section of our website includes our most requested information. More in-depth statistics and information about Escambia County, AL is available and can be obtained by contacting the Escambia County Industrial Development Authority at (251) 368-5404.

Important EDA Contacts:


Escambia County, Alabama is located in southern Alabama, along the Florida state line, and within easy driving distance to Montgomery, Birmingham, New Orleans, Mobile, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Atlanta, Robert Trent Jones Golf Courses and the Gulf Coast.

City, StateDistance
Atlanta, GA  281  144
Birmingham, AL  211 340
Chattanooga, TN  352  567
Columbus, GA  208  335
Huntsville, AL  309  497
Jackson, MS  224  360
Mobile, AL  52  84
Montgomery, AL  121  195
Nashville, TN  400  644
New Orleans, LA  194  312
Panama City Beach, FL 147 237
Pensacola, FL 48 77
Tallahassee, FL 213 343

Cities and Towns

Information about the cities and towns in Escambia  County, AL is available on the EDPA website. Follow the links below to access these reports.